To get a new gas rewards card, please stop by the guest services area at your Festival Foods store. Please be ready to provide your old card number, the email address you registered the old card with, and the phone number linked to your old card. Our guest services team will add the points from your old card on to your new card and submit a ticket with our support office to change your gas rewards card number on the website. You should see your gas rewards card number on the website update within 2-3 business days.
My husband and I have one account with two cards. My husband lost his card. how do I get him a new card
Hi Donna! Please pick up a new set of cards at the guest services area in your Festival Foods store. Please let us know if you have any other questions!
I lost my card, went in and got a replacement card. My points didn’t transfer to the new card.
Hi Bridgett! We apologize for the confusion on this. Our guest services team at your Festival Foods store will need to add the points on to your new card. Please let us know if you have any other questions!
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